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BCRA's Digital Object Identifiers: Landing Page

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This is the 'landing page' for BCRA's Digital Object Identifiers. All commercial DOI services should be configured to 'land' on this page.

The URI of this page can be quoted as doi.bcra.org.uk but you should not normally refer to it without appending an object reference number. Appending a reference number for a BCRA document means that the URI will take you directly (or after a short wait) to that document. For example, if the document reference is cks119055.f the Digital Object Identifier should be quoted as doi.bcra.org.uk/cks119055.f.

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Index of all DOIs: You can view an index of all BCRA's active Digital Object Identifiers but please note that the list is long and contains only the DOIs and not the document titles. It is intended primarily for the use of indexing services. For preference, you should view the catalogued list of BCRA documents by visiting one of our Bibliography pages.

British Cave Research Association (UK registered charity 267828). Registered Office: The Old Methodist Chapel, Great Hucklow, BUXTON, SK17 8RG
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This page, http://doi.bcra.org.uk/index.html was last modified on Tue, 24 Aug 2021 09:16:18 +0000